Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Number 2 Sonogram

Today I went to see Dr. Gardner, my OB... My mom was able to come, so that was super cool! We went in for the Sonogram, and I asked the Tech if she was aware, that there was three. I truly believe she did not believe me until she saw it with her own eyes. She was in shock! All three babies have strong heartbeats and all measuring at 8wks. Praise the Lord... we pray for a continued growth and strong heartbeats. I spoke with Dr. Gardner and she is referring me to a specialist, Dr. Thingpen. I assume that I will see him in a couple of weeks. She offfered some very valuable information as well as great reassurance for a healthy pregnancy. From my understanding, the greatest concern, is pre-term labor. She said there was a chance to be on bed rest as early as 20 weeks. When I asked about returning to work at the beginning of next year, she did not sound to promising. As for the New York Trip, still on! I will be 15 weeks, and she said measuring around 22weeks. I can't wait to find out more when I go to see Dr. Thingpen. Thanks for the support and continued prayers!

Love, Paige

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sharing the news with all

April 22,2010

Reality has set in... it seems like the world knows. I told the faculty today at our staff meeting, shocker! The world of Facebook friends have heard the news! We appreciate all the support and thoughtful comments. I visit my OB next Tuesday for another Sonogram, and then I believe she will then refer me to a Specialist Doctor.

So once you become a mother, I do not think you ever sleep throughout the night. When I awaken either by my bladder, my dog Paisley, or Bryleigh saying, "Mommy, I am here" I am unable to go back to sleep because so many thoughts are racing through my mind.

As far as symptoms, honestly it's not as bad as I would think.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sonogram Day

April 21, 2010

Sonogram Day... praying for a strong heartbeat! A little nervous about the first sono. I did not want to be dissappointed. 10:45am, appointment time rolled around, and Pacer and I waited anxiously in the waiting room. I was called back, and same nurse that had made the comment last week, said again to Pacer and I, " Well, are you ready to see your babies." It hit me, she was not joking. The sono began, Dr. Kaufmann said, well Paige... there is three! You are pregnant with triplets. OMG! Overwhelmed, could not believe it... a million thougths began to go through my head. What have we done, I could handle two, but three. Pacer had to get back to work, so we only talked for about 20 minutes on the ride home. He was so encouraging. We called our parents, siblings, and closest friends to tell them the overwhelming news. Pacer went back to work, and of course, if you know me, I began to research. At one point I got very nervous about the idea of finances, but quickly reminded myself that the focus right now, is for the babies to be healthy. Throughout the night, we recieved a million phone calls and emails in regards to the news! At one point, Pacer said everyone was asking him," Are you serious... "he said, "its funny that everyone is asking the same question I asked the doctor!"

Bloodwork, Pregnant and sharing the news!

The bloodwork began on March 30th... that's the date that it was confirmed that I was definitely pregnant! HCG level- 338. Great Numbers super excited... 3 weeks 6 days pregnant. I wanted to share the news so bad, by the end of the week I had told my team members at school and we told our parents on Easter. We gave them two eggs, one pink and one blue and included this poem:
I do not have a face to see,
or put inside a frame.
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss,
I do not yet have a name
You can't yet hold my tiny hands,
Nor whisper in my ear.
It is still to soon to sing a song,
or cuddle me so dear.
But all will change come December,
that's when they say I am due.
I'm your new grandson or granddaughter,
I can not wait to meet you!

The following week on the 5th of April... I went to the doctor for a repeat HCG Bloodwork, the following day I recieved the news that my number look great at 3,389. WOOHOO, super excited still a little nervous about the thought of the dreadful word, that I have experienced one to many time, miscarriage. The week past, symptoms continued... April 14th... the last time for bloodwork if the number s looked good. When I got to the Dr. Kaufmann's office, the nurse called me back, ask how I was feeling. As she drew my blood, she made a commet, " Next week you will get to back and see your babies." I said, babies... you mean baby." She said no... babies!. I really did not think much of it, told Pacer and I few others, and everyone just kind of laughed about it. Bloodwork- done! Anticipating our first sonogram and to hear the heartbeat.

Still praying for a sticky bean!