Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sonogram Day

April 21, 2010

Sonogram Day... praying for a strong heartbeat! A little nervous about the first sono. I did not want to be dissappointed. 10:45am, appointment time rolled around, and Pacer and I waited anxiously in the waiting room. I was called back, and same nurse that had made the comment last week, said again to Pacer and I, " Well, are you ready to see your babies." It hit me, she was not joking. The sono began, Dr. Kaufmann said, well Paige... there is three! You are pregnant with triplets. OMG! Overwhelmed, could not believe it... a million thougths began to go through my head. What have we done, I could handle two, but three. Pacer had to get back to work, so we only talked for about 20 minutes on the ride home. He was so encouraging. We called our parents, siblings, and closest friends to tell them the overwhelming news. Pacer went back to work, and of course, if you know me, I began to research. At one point I got very nervous about the idea of finances, but quickly reminded myself that the focus right now, is for the babies to be healthy. Throughout the night, we recieved a million phone calls and emails in regards to the news! At one point, Pacer said everyone was asking him," Are you serious... "he said, "its funny that everyone is asking the same question I asked the doctor!"

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