Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Week 12.. Super good news!

Tuesday May 25th

Yesterday I went to see my OB. All is great! Three strong heartbeats, and I go back next week for a sonogram to check for gender. I am measuring 19 weeks, wow! We are so relieved to hear strong healthy heartbeats.

A few weeks ago Dr. Gardner had asked me to be part of a televsion segment, and of course I said sure! She then said more info to come... so I found out more yesterday! Tha Dallas-Fort Worth news stations has teamed up with Dr. Gardner and Sublime Bakery to they are going to report on Dr. Gardner successes as well as Sublime Bakery is beginning to create cakes to tell the gender. So this means that there will be a staged shower at my house, and I will cut into a three tiered cake. As I cake into the cake, the inside will tell me the gender of each baby. Super Cool, Huh! We are so excitd, to find out what we are having in this manner.

So when will all this take place... Plan on June 8th for the taping, and I am not sure about when it will be aired live. More info to come!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week 11...

May 18, 2010

On Monday I was called by my High Risk doctor to tell me that I have a blood clotting disorder. At the last appointment, they did a series of blood drawns to check for any blood clotting issues. The scare behind having a blood clotting disorder is miscarriage, placental abruption, pre-term labor, and the obvious efffect a that it could do to my body. I was told that I have a Protein S Defiencency that only shows during pregnancy... this explains the multiple miscarriages that I had prior to Bryleigh. Anyways, I was a little worried that the babies had already be effected by this, but if there is any clotting it does not begin to take place until the placenta begins feeding the babies. So, no worries this takes place during the 12th week. They put me on a blood thinner injectable, 40mg of Lovenox. Another shot.. I am use to that! I am measuring around 18 weeks, and definitely showing. Just this week, my belly has popped! That means growing babies... Anyways, I go next week to see the babies, and hear their heartbeats. I am so excited... Pacer has not been able to go to the last few appointments, and he gets to go to this one!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

9 week update.. visit to the Specialist doctor

Tuesday, May 4th

I had two doctor's visits today! I went to see Dr. Gardner at 8:00am and Dr. Thigpen, the High risk doctor at 10:45am. Wow... when I left my brain was floating. Dr. Gardner's visit was just the typical OB visit, bloodwork, and just pretty much everything looks great so far. As far as Dr. Thigpen's visit... not so much! I describe his job as the one who is Bad News Bears... no, no bad news, just the possiblities of carrying triplets and what could happen. Anyways, we will take it day to day and hope for the absolute best! He did the Sonogram and all the babies are measuring great, and Baby B is a wiggle worm. After the Sono was performed, he gave me the low down and what the next months will be like. I go back in 6 weeks to see him, and then he will begin doing the Pre-Term labor test. We hope that these come back negative, but this is so that if the babies are born early, they will have the lung development that is needed. They also performed some labwork on Tuesday to check for any blood clotting disorders... this is to ensure that the babies are getting the oxygen that is needed. After this appointment, I will begin seeing him every two weeks, and Dr. Gardner, monthly, as normal. Starting at 24 weeks, they will begin checking for gestational diabetes. Wow, he shared so much more info, so much that I can not even absorb everything. I see a dietitian within the next few weeks, because I am supposed to be taking in 3,000 calories daily, and no not 20 twinkies! That should be interesting, considering I have always ate pretty much whatever I wanted.

My due date at 40 weeks is Dec.6th, however, he hopes that I am able to make it to the 36 week mark, which is when the c-section would be scheduled. We pray that I am able to carry these babies until 36 weeks. That definitely increases the chances for healthy babies at the time of delivery.

I go back to see Dr. Gardner on June 9th and then I see Dr. Thigpen on June 14th, The day before we leave for NYC!!

Bryleigh is super excited! Pacer bought me a new car... a true mommy mobile! I was talking to Bry about the babies, and she made a comment about how big momma's car was..I told her that it was for her to ride in and her baby brothers and sisters. Her comment, " Do we get to pick them up today!" Very cute.... she has began pushing three babies in her stroller. She always has one sleeping, one eating, and one playing. Love her!!

I will keep everyone updated with details throughout the next month. I am so use to seeing a doctor on a weekly basis, a month is going to feel like an eternity.

Love, Paige