Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Week 11...

May 18, 2010

On Monday I was called by my High Risk doctor to tell me that I have a blood clotting disorder. At the last appointment, they did a series of blood drawns to check for any blood clotting issues. The scare behind having a blood clotting disorder is miscarriage, placental abruption, pre-term labor, and the obvious efffect a that it could do to my body. I was told that I have a Protein S Defiencency that only shows during pregnancy... this explains the multiple miscarriages that I had prior to Bryleigh. Anyways, I was a little worried that the babies had already be effected by this, but if there is any clotting it does not begin to take place until the placenta begins feeding the babies. So, no worries this takes place during the 12th week. They put me on a blood thinner injectable, 40mg of Lovenox. Another shot.. I am use to that! I am measuring around 18 weeks, and definitely showing. Just this week, my belly has popped! That means growing babies... Anyways, I go next week to see the babies, and hear their heartbeats. I am so excited... Pacer has not been able to go to the last few appointments, and he gets to go to this one!


  1. Thinking of ya'll! It is nice to have some answers about the blood clotting so that things can be handled as necessary. I heard that Lovenox stuff burns, is it weekly or daily? So glad to be done with shots here! Best wishes! :)

  2. Hey girly- Kristy was on Lovenox every day of her pregnancy with Elliot because she has a blood clotting disorder too. Its a lot of work but you will get through! Just another shot is right! Love you and cant wait for tomorrows news! xoxox
