Thursday, April 22, 2010

Bloodwork, Pregnant and sharing the news!

The bloodwork began on March 30th... that's the date that it was confirmed that I was definitely pregnant! HCG level- 338. Great Numbers super excited... 3 weeks 6 days pregnant. I wanted to share the news so bad, by the end of the week I had told my team members at school and we told our parents on Easter. We gave them two eggs, one pink and one blue and included this poem:
I do not have a face to see,
or put inside a frame.
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss,
I do not yet have a name
You can't yet hold my tiny hands,
Nor whisper in my ear.
It is still to soon to sing a song,
or cuddle me so dear.
But all will change come December,
that's when they say I am due.
I'm your new grandson or granddaughter,
I can not wait to meet you!

The following week on the 5th of April... I went to the doctor for a repeat HCG Bloodwork, the following day I recieved the news that my number look great at 3,389. WOOHOO, super excited still a little nervous about the thought of the dreadful word, that I have experienced one to many time, miscarriage. The week past, symptoms continued... April 14th... the last time for bloodwork if the number s looked good. When I got to the Dr. Kaufmann's office, the nurse called me back, ask how I was feeling. As she drew my blood, she made a commet, " Next week you will get to back and see your babies." I said, babies... you mean baby." She said no... babies!. I really did not think much of it, told Pacer and I few others, and everyone just kind of laughed about it. Bloodwork- done! Anticipating our first sonogram and to hear the heartbeat.

Still praying for a sticky bean!

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